Motorcycle drag racers don’t agree on much. On this book, they do.
“The entire drag racing community owes John a debt of gratitude. This book is the first place where our history has been gathered in one place. Great reading for anyone who loves or wants to know more about the sport of motorcycle drag racing.”—Terry Vance, 14-time Drag Racing Champion
“John Stein has done something remarkable here. Using curiosity, great photo research abilities, affection, and a wonderful writing touch, Stein has coaxed motorcycle drag racing out of its hidey-hole in motor culture’s darkest room, and forward into the sunshine.”—Cook Neilson, Editor, Cycle
“The best book on the subject that’s been done or will ever be done.”—Frank Spittle, Drag Racing Historian

How to order:
Unfortunately, we are out of books and printing another batch. The printer will be providing a date for their arrival, and we’ll make that available as soon as we get it. Kindly email John at to get updated on when the books will be in stock.
Thanks for your patience.